This is the first comprehensive analysis of the work of Fredric Jameson, one of the most important cultural critics writing today. Homer provides a clear exposition and appraisal of Jameson’s theories and an assessment of his contribution to contemporary cultural theory.
Sartre: From Situation to History.
Part I: The Dialectics of Form: .
The Logic of Form.
The Logic of Content.
Metacommentary. .
Part II: History: The Political Unconscious: .
Marxism and Historicism.
History as Political Unconscious.
History as Narrative.
History as Whose Narrative?.
Part III: The Politics of Desire: .
Ideologies of Pleasure.
Ideologies of Desire.
The Production of Desire.
Versions of a Libidinal Apparatus.
The Dialectic of Ideology and Utopia.
Part IV: Postmodernism and Late Capitalism: .
The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.
The Periodization of Late Capitalism.
Video Art and Postmodern Textuality.
Realism – Modernism – Postmodernism.
The Dialectic of Modernism and Postmodernism.
Part V: The Spatial Logic of Late Capitalism: .
The Reassertion of Space in Social Theory.
The Phenomenology of Postmodernism.
The Social Production of Space.
The Semiotics of Space.
The Spatio-Temporal Dialectic of Modernity and Postmodernity.
Part VI: Marxism, Totality and the Politics of Difference: .
The Postmodern Critique of Totality.
Marxism and Totality.
Mediation and Reification.
The Third World: Identity and Difference.
Over de auteur
Sean Homer is Lecturer in Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Sheffield.