Auteur: Sebastien Lechevalier

Sébastien Lechevalier is an economist and a professor at EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris), specialized in the Japanese economy and Asian capitalism. He is also an associate researcher at GRETh A (Bordeaux University). He is the founder and president of the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (FFJ). He has been a visiting professor at The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Hitotsubashi University, Waseda University, and Doshisha University. He has published extensively on various dimensions of the Japanese economy in comparative perspective, including The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism (Routledge, 2014). His research also deals with the issue of innovation in academic institutions, at the corporate level, and from a public policy perspective. 

7 Ebooks door Sebastien Lechevalier

Sébastien Lechevalier: Innovation Beyond Technology
The major purpose of this book is to clarify the importance of non-technological factors in innovation to cope with contemporary complex societal issues while critically reconsidering the relations b …
Sebastien Lechevalier: The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism
In the 1980s the performance of Japan’s economy was an international success story, and led many economists to suggest that the 1990s would be a Japanese decade. Today, however, the dominant view is …
Sebastien Lechevalier: The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism
In the 1980s the performance of Japan’s economy was an international success story, and led many economists to suggest that the 1990s would be a Japanese decade. Today, however, the dominant view is …
David Chiavacci & Sebastien Lechevalier: Japanese Political Economy Revisited
During the last 30 years, the Japanese political economy system has experienced significant changes that are usually not well understood or analysed because of their complexity and contradictions. Th …
David Chiavacci & Sebastien Lechevalier: Japanese Political Economy Revisited
During the last 30 years, the Japanese political economy system has experienced significant changes that are usually not well understood or analysed because of their complexity and contradictions. Th …
Sebastien Lechevalier & Brieuc Monfort: Leçons de l”expérience japonaise
Depuis la crise de 2008, la lenteur du retour aux taux de croissance passés a fait naître la crainte que l’Europe ne suive, peu ou prou, la trajectoire économique du Japon durant les années 1990-2000 …
Sebastien Lechevalier & Brieuc Monfort: Leçons de l”expérience japonaise
Depuis la crise de 2008, la lenteur du retour aux taux de croissance passés a fait naître la crainte que l’Europe ne suive, peu ou prou, la trajectoire économique du Japon durant les années 1990-2000 …