Prof. Dr. theol. D.D. h.c. Rudolf Smend ist ordentlicher Unversitätsprofessor.
4 Ebooks door Seymour Feldman
Magne Sæbø: Hebrew Bible / Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation
Dieser Band setzt das große internationale Standardwerk zur Rezeption der Hebräischen Bibel/des Alten Testaments, das christliche und jüdische Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt vereint, fort. Es stellt d …
Seymour Feldman: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
The expulsion from Spain did not only result in the destruction and dispersion of Spanish Jewry but led to a crisis in Jewish faith. Don Isaac Abravanel provided a systematic treatment of the main ph …
Seymour Feldman: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
The expulsion from Spain did not only result in the destruction and dispersion of Spanish Jewry but led to a crisis in Jewish faith. Don Isaac Abravanel provided a systematic treatment of the main ph …
Jacob Neusner: Religious Foundations of Western Civilization
World Religions Religious Foundations of Western Civilization introduces students to the major Western world religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—their beliefs, key concepts, history, as well a …