Katherina Manolessou is a London-based illustrator, printmaker and lecturer. Her children”s books have been co-editioned in 16 different countries. Katherina”s work includes commercial illustration commissions, as well as personal projects such as artist”s books and limited edition prints. She is currently senior lecturer on the MA in Children”s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art.
11 Ebooks door Smriti Halls
Smriti Halls: Rain Before Rainbows
In the midst of rain, rainbows can be hard to see. But with courage and the help of good friends, there is always a way out of darkness. A girl and her companion fox travel together from a place of l …
Smriti Halls: Rain Before Rainbows
In the midst of rain, rainbows can be hard to see. But with courage and the help of good friends, there is always a way out of darkness. A girl and her companion fox travel together from a place of l …
Smriti Halls: Very Best Hug
Have you ever wondered who gives the very BEST hug? The kind that feels just right?Get ready to join us on a mission to find the PERFECT hug. From bear hugs to koala cuddles, hippo huddles to walrus …
Smriti Halls & Steve Small: Me quedo contigo
– Dondequiera que vayas, yo te sigo. Hagas lo que hagas, me quedo contigo. – Es maravilloso tener buenos amigos que estén contigo a las duras y a las maduras. Sin embargo, a veces (solo a veces) los …
Smriti Halls & Steve Small: Em quedo amb tu
– Allà on vagis, jo et seguiré. Facis el que facis, amb tu em quedaré. – És fantàstic tenir amics de debò que et facin costat tant en els bons com en els mals moments. Ara bé, a vegades (només a vega …
Smriti Halls & Steve Small: Me quedo contigo también
Finalista en los Oscar's Book Prize y Finalista del premio al Libro Ilustrado del Año de los British Book Awards – Dondequiera que vayas, yo te sigo. Nos llevamos de maravilla, mi querido amigo …
Smriti Halls & Steve Small: Em quedo amb tu també
Finalista en l'Oscar's Book Prize i en el Premi al Llibre Il·lustrat de l'Any dels British Book Awards * Allà on vagis, jo et seguiré. Som tu i jo, i ens entenem la mar de bé. * L&apo …
Smriti Halls: Bun on the Run (eBook)
Will Bernard the bun find sweet freedom – or end up in a sticky situation? On a little white plate in a BAKER’S SHOP sat Bernard the bun – with a cherry on top. He was squidgy and soft, sugared and s …
Smriti Halls: One in a Million
One in a Million is brimming with heart, reassurance and parental love, from one of today’s best-loved picture book authors and an award-winning illustrator.It tells the story of Debra the zebra who …