Auteur: Stephan Steiner

Stephan Steiner is a professor at Sigmund Freud University Vienna and head of its Institute for Transcultural and Historical Research. His research interests include migration, minority, and Enlightenment studies; Reformation history; and the history of mentalities. Steiner has written numerous publications on extreme violence in early and late modernity, including the monograph No Longer Wanted: Deportation in the Early Modern Habsburg Empire and its European Context (2014) and the edited volume Gypsies in Early Modern Europe (2019).

4 Ebooks door Stephan Steiner

Stephan Steiner: Combating the Hydra
Combating the Hydra explores structural as well as occasion-specific state violence committed by the early modern Habsburg Empire. The book depicts and analyzes attacks on marginalized people “maladj …
Stephan Steiner: Combating the Hydra
Combating the Hydra explores structural as well as occasion-specific state violence committed by the early modern Habsburg Empire. The book depicts and analyzes attacks on marginalized people "m …
Stephan Steiner & Daniel Weidner: Kulturkampf
Der Kulturkampf, also die Auseinandersetzung des deutschen Reichs mit der katholischen Kirche in den 1870er und 1880er Jahren, war ein epochales Ereignis. Er hat die Beziehung zwischen den Konfession …
Johanna Kößler & Martin Scheutz: Der lange Weg zum Erzbistum Wien
Nach längeren Bemühungen wurde das Zwergbistum Wien 1722/23 vom Papst zum Erzbistum erhoben. Fünfzehn Beiträge untersuchen Voraussetzungen und Auswirkungen dieser Rangerhöhung, nehmen dabei Fragen de …