Why Nonprofits Fail, author and nonprofit expert Stephen Block explains that many well-intentioned leaders hold on to views of their nonprofit organizations that perpetuate problems rather than help fix them. According to Block, the first step to success is to challenge one’s own personal paradigms and ideas and be open to unique and alternative approaches to solving problems. This much-needed book helps nonprofits get back on track and offers advice about the seven most common stumbling blocks, including:
- Founder’s syndrome
- Fundphobia
- Financial misfortune
- Recruitment disorientation
- Cultural depression in nonprofit organizations
- Self-serving political performance
- Role confusion between the board and executive director
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
The Author xvii
Part I: Charting a New Path to Success
1. Preventing Failure, Ensuring Success 3
2. The Need for Alternative Tools 13
3. The Framework and the Steps 21
4. First-Order and Second-Order Approaches to Change 27
Part II: Seven Tough Problems and How to Solve Them
5. Recruitment Disorientation 41
6. Cultural Depression in Nonprofit Organizations 59
7. Political Performance 73
8. Role Confusion 91
9. Financial Misfortune 107
10. Fundphobia 121
11. Founder’s Syndrome 135
Conclusion: Managing Nonprofit Organizational Change 155
Resource A: A Review of Organizational Behavior Theories 161
Resource B: Recommended Reading 179
References 181
Index 185
Over de auteur
Stephen R. Block is the founding executive director of Denver Options, Inc., a nonprofit organization that manages the developmental disabilities service delivery system of care in Denver. He is the director of the Nonprofit Management Program at the University of Colorado at Denver’s Graduate School of Public Affairs. Block was a consulting editor for the
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and on the editorial board of the
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.