Barley is one of the world’s most important crops with uses ranging from food and feed production, malting and brewing to its use as a model organism in molecular research. The demand and uses of barley continue to grow and there is a need for an up-to-date comprehensive reference that looks at all aspects of the barley crop from taxonomy and morphology through to end use. Barley will fill this increasing void. Barley will stand as a must have reference for anyone researching, growing, or utilizing this important crop.
Contributors vii
Preface x
1 Significance, Adaptation, Production, and Trade of Barley 3
2 Barley Origin and Related Species 14
3 Barley Genome Organization, Mapping, and Synteny 63
4 Genome Analysis The State of Knowledge of Barley Genes 85
5 Cytogenetics and Molecular Cytogenetics of Barley A Model Cereal Crop with a Large Genome 112
6 Application of Molecular Genetics and Transformation to Barley Improvement 122
7 Barley Germplasm Conservation and Resources 144
8 Barley Breeding History, Progress, Objectives, and Technology 160
9 Cultural Practices Focus on Major Barley-Producing Regions 221
10 Abiotic Stresses in Barley Problems and Solutions 282
11 Biotic Stress in Barley Disease Problems and Solutions 307
12 Biotic Stress in Barley Insect Problems and Solutions 355
13 The Development, Structure, and Composition of the Barley Grain 391
14 Biochemistry, Physiology, and Genetics of Endosperm Mobilization in Germinated Barley Grain 449
15 Malting and Brewing Uses of Barley 478
16 Barley Feed Uses and Quality Improvement 522
17 Food Uses of Barley 532
18 Adapting Cereal Plants and Human Society to a Changing Climate and Economy Merged by the Concept of Self-Organization 563
Index 603
Over de auteur
Steven E. Ullrich is a Professor and Agronomist in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University.