Auteur: Sue Thompson

Sue Thompson, Ph D works in Wales as a director of Avenue Consulting Ltd and does postgraduate research in the field of eldercare. She received her doctoral degree in sociology from the University of Liverpool, following a masters in social work obtained at University of Wales. Dr. Thompson has extensive experience in the caring professions, both at the practitioner level as a nurse and social worker, and also as a practice assessor, mentor, and educator in social work and social care more broadly defined. She has written and co-written a number of articles, chapters, books, and learning resources pertaining particularly to older people and eldercare. A key theme in her practice, research, and publications is the challenging of ageist practices which compromise dignity and personhood, and the ideologies and discourses which reinforce such practices as morally legitimate. Dr. Thompson is a co-founder of the Welsh Organisation for Practice Teaching and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

8 Ebooks door Sue Thompson

Sue Thompson: Reciprocity and Dependency in Old Age
​​This book highlights (1) the significance of reciprocity for the maintenance of self-esteem in old age and (2) the negative implications for the well-being of dependent older people when that signi …
Louise Hardwick & Roger Smith: Innovations in Social Work Research
A valuable reference to help practising researchers not only to understand but also to apply innovative approaches to social work research. Featuring extended case studies of actual research projects …
Neil Thompson & Sue Thompson: Social Work Companion
This new and fully updated edition of a hugely popular textbook is a practical and user-friendly guide that lets students know what to expect from their course and will be there every step of the way …
Sue Thompson: United States and Southeast Asian Regionalism
The Nixon or Guam Doctrine of 1969 stressed the importance of progress towards regional cooperation and Asian collective security, indicating that Asian countries themselves should take the initiativ …
Sue Thompson: United States and Southeast Asian Regionalism
The Nixon or Guam Doctrine of 1969 stressed the importance of progress towards regional cooperation and Asian collective security, indicating that Asian countries themselves should take the initiativ …
Sue Thompson: The Ministry of Administrative Assistants
This ministry guide has been written to provide information about how to provide support ministry to the people with whom you work. This guide is also for people who work in many different ministry s …
Neil Thompson & Sue Thompson: Critically Reflective Practitioner
This succinct and insightful guide to reflective practice is designed for students and practitioners across a range of professions in the human services – social work, healthcare and related fields. …
Neil Thompson & Sue Thompson: Critically Reflective Practitioner
This succinct and insightful guide to reflective practice is designed for students and practitioners across a range of professions in the human services – social work, healthcare and related fields. …