Auteur: Theresa Rogers

Kathy Sanford is a professor of Language and Literacy Education whose research and teaching focuses on multiliteracies and digital literacies in informal spaces, specifically related to youth engagement with videogames, and the intersections of multiliteracies with issues of gender. Theresa Rogers is a professor of Language and Literacy Education whose research and teaching focuses on adolescent literacy, arts and media practices in schools and communities. Maureen Kendrick is Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education whose research and teaching addresses the relationship between literacy and multimodality in diverse contexts in Canada and East Africa.

6 Ebooks door Theresa Rogers

Kathy Sanford & Theresa Rogers: Everyday Youth Literacies
Testifying to the maturity of the youth literacy education field, this collection of papers displays the increasing sophistication of research on the subject, and at the same time offers pointers to …
Jim Anderson & Maureen Kendrick: Portraits of Literacy Across Families, Communities, and Schools
Designed to stimulate debate and critical thinking and to draw readers” attention to the ideological nature of literacy education across a broad range of literacy contexts, this book crosses traditi …
Jim Anderson & Maureen Kendrick: Portraits of Literacy Across Families, Communities, and Schools
Designed to stimulate debate and critical thinking and to draw readers” attention to the ideological nature of literacy education across a broad range of literacy contexts, this book crosses traditi …
Anne-Marie LaMonde & Mia Perry: Youth, Critical Literacies, and Civic Engagement
Through stories of youth using their many voices in and out of school to explore and express their ideas about the world, this book brings to the forefront the reality of lived literacy experiences o …
Anne-Marie LaMonde & Mia Perry: Youth, Critical Literacies, and Civic Engagement
Through stories of youth using their many voices in and out of school to explore and express their ideas about the world, this book brings to the forefront the reality of lived literacy experiences o …
Jim Anderson & Maureen Kendrick: Portraits of Literacy Across Families, Communities, and Schools
Designed to stimulate debate and critical thinking and to draw readers’ attention to the ideological nature of literacy education across a broad range of literacy contexts, this book crosses traditio …