Auteur: Thomas C. Hone

Thomas C. Hone is a former senior executive in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and a former member of the faculty of the Naval War College. He is the author or co-author of three books on naval administration and innovation, the co-author of a book on the Navy between World Wars I and II, and an award winning author of articles and essays on naval and military affairs. He resides in Arlington, VA.

3 Ebooks door Thomas C. Hone

Thomas Hone: The Battle of Midway
The best way for today’s sailors to learn about a battle is from those who fought it. The Battle of Midway, commemorated annually in the U.S. Navy, warrants close attention. This Naval Institute guid …
Thomas C Hone & Trent Hone: Battle Line
A portrait in words and photographs of the interwar Navy, this book examines the twenty-year period that saw the U.S. fleet shrink under the pressure of arms limitation treaties and government econom …
Mandeles Mark D. Mandeles & Terry Sanford S. Terry: Managing Command and Control in the Persian Gulf War
During Desert Shield, the Air Force built a very complicated organizational architecture to control large numbers of air sorties. During the air campaign itself, officers at each level of the Central …