Prof. Thomas Faist Ph D heads the research group Sociology of Transnationalization and the Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development (COMCAD) at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University.
Tobias Gehring is doing his Ph D at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University and the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS).
Dr. Susanne U. Schultz received her doctorate from the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University. She is a project manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung and an Associated Research Fellow at the Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development (COMCAD).
2 Ebooks door Tobias Gehring
Thomas Faist & Tobias Gehring: Mobilität statt Exodus
Gemeinhin gilt Afrika in der wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung und in den Reportagen der Massenmedien als „Kontinent in Bewegung’ – Bewegung vor allem in Richtung Europa. Dabei ist die öffentliche Disku …
Thomas Faist & Tobias Gehring: Mobility instead of exodus
Africa is commonly regarded as a ‘continent on the move’ in scholarly observation and mass media reportage. Movement is seen primarily in the direction of Europe. Yet the public debate is characteriz …