Auteur: Tobias Grünfelder

Julika Baumann Montecinos is a professor of intercultural management at the Business School of Furtwangen University and coordinator of the Transcultural Caravan Network at Zeppelin University. Her research focuses on relational economics, particularly on the success factors of cooperation in contexts of cultural complexity. She develops international teaching, training, research and networking formats that centre on concepts of transcultural competence. Tobias Grünfelder is a research fellow and Ph D student at the chair of institutional economics at Zeppelin University’s Leadership Excellence Institute (Germany). He is a project manager of the Transcultural Caravan Network, a platform for student research, global thinking, networking, and exchange. His research focuses on relational economics and the conditions and determinants of productive transcultural leadership and cooperation. As a lecturer, facilitator, and magician, he develops transculturallearning experiences for individuals and groups.  Josef Wieland is a professor of institutional economics, organisational governance, integrity management & transcultural leadership at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen (Germany), and Director of the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ). He has been an expert in the field of transcultural leadership, compliance and business ethics for more than 30 years, and is the author of “Relational Economics. A Political Economy”.  

1 Ebooks door Tobias Grünfelder

Julika Baumann Montecinos & Tobias Grünfelder: A Relational View on Cultural Complexity
This book explores the conceptual and practical implications of applying a relational view to cultural complexity. The authors take the findings of an international and interdisciplinary Delphi study …