Many of us have questions about God, or we never truly come to know about God, his Son, and the Holy Spirit. We may even doubt that God works in our lives at all, especially when times are difficult and there is no hope in sight. So where can we find answers? How do we truly come to know God, his Son, and the Holy Spirit?
In God and the Gunny, author and retired US Marine Tom Moriarty shows us how he learned about God, Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit through a series of miraculous, often life-saving interventions in his lifeand how these interventions have made him a man after Gods own heart. Using the story of King David as an example for righteous living, Tom speaks to both his failures and his accomplishments, always trusting in God to come through when things got really hard.
Life can be just as full of suffering, pain, and horrors as it can be full of happiness, success, and beautybut in every moment good or bad, God is there to protect us, bless us, and guide us forward. He is always walking the path with us, so it is up to us to let him show us the way and have faith in his helping hand.
Over de auteur
Tom Moriarty is a retired US Marine who served his country for twenty-two years. He has combat experience as an infantryman in Vietnam, and he also served as an artillery operation chief in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. With a total of twenty-two months in combat, Tom knows he has had the protection of God over him, and he hopes God and the Gunny can help others recognize how God uses many situations to speak with us and guide us along our divinely ordained path.