Marx After Marxism encourages readers to understand Karl Marx in new ways, unencumbered by political Marxist interpretations that have long dominated the discussions of both Marxists and non-Marxists. This volume gives a broad and accessible account of Marx’s philosophy and emphasizes his relationship to Hegel.
List of Abbreviations..
1. Hegel, Marx, and Marxism.
On Distinguishing between Marx and Marxism.
Engels and the Marxist View of Marx.
Marx and Engels.
About Marx’s Texts.
Marx, Engels, and Marx’s Texts.
Interpreting Marx’s Texts.
Hegel as a Way into Marx.
Marx and Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.
Philosophical Economics, the Industrial Revolution, and Adam
Hegel and Economics.
Hegel on Property.
Marx and Hegel: Some Tentative Conclusions..
2. Marx’s Early Writings.
Marx’s Life and Thought.
Marx’s Early Writings.
Hegelianism in Marx’s Dissertation.
Feuerbach and Marx’s Early Critique of Hegel.
More Early Criticism of Hegel: ‘On the Jewish Question’.
More Early Criticism of Hegel: ‘Contribution to the Critique of
‘Hegel’s ‘Philosophy.
of Right’: Introduction’.
Introduction to the Paris Manuscripts.
Engels and Marx’s Economic View of Modern Society.
Marx’s Theory of Alienation.
Criticism of Hegel in the Paris Manuscripts.
Marxian humanism, Philosophy and Political Economy..
3. Marx’s Transitional Writings.
‘Theses on Feuerbach’.
The German Ideology.
The Poverty of Philosophy.
Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political
4. Marx’s Mature Economic Writings.
Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy.
The Publication History of Capital.
Prefatory Materials for Capital.
5. Marx and Hegel Revisited.
Prior Discussion of Marx’s Relation to Hegel.
Hegel in Marx’s Writings.
Hegel and Marx on Private Property.
Hegel and Marx on History and Freedom.
Hegel and Marx’s Critique of Political Economy.
Hegel and Marx’s Theory of Political Economy.
Marx the Hegelian..
6. Marx the Hegelian.
Kant’s Copernican Revolution in Philosophy.
Hegel and History.
Contradiction and Marx’s Economic Approach to History.
Contradiction, Identity, and Commodities in Capital.
Marx and Contemporary Philosophy.
Select Bibliography.
Over de auteur
Tom Rockmore is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne
University. He is author of numerous books, including Cognition:
An Introduction to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1997) and
On Heidegger’s Nazism and Philosophy (second edition, 1997),
and editor of Interpretation in Art, Literature and Science
(Blackwell 2000).