Series Editor’s introduction
1. Understanding how People Behave, Learn and Develop
2. KOLB Learning Cycle and Styles
3. Honey and Mumford – Learning Styles
4 . VAK Learning Styles
5. MBTI® – Myers Briggs® Type Indicator
6. Jigsaw Discovery Tool©
7. The Di SC® Model
8. Benziger Thinking Styles Assessment (BTSA)
9. SDI – Strength Deployment Inventory®
10. Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation model
11. Why Develop Staff?
12. Workforce Planning
13. Job Descriptions
14. Person Specifications
15. Advertisements
16. Shortlisting
17. Interviews
18. Interviews – Presentations and Tests
19. Interviews – Feedback
20. Inductions
21. Managing Performance
22. Team Development Plans
23. Appraisals – Preparing
24. Appraisals – Conducting
25. Setting Objectives
26. One-to-ones
27. Feedback – General
28. Team Building
29. Team Meetings
30. Sharing Learning with the Team
31. Writing References
32. Exit Interviews
33. Effective Handover
34. Action Learning Sets
35. Apprentices, Graduate Trainees and Placements
36. Awards
37. Buddying
38. CILIP Qualifications
39. CILIP Qualifications – Re-validation
40. Coaching
41. Collaborative Working
42. Communities of Practice – Internal
43. Communities of Practice – External
44. Conferences – Attending
45. Conferences – Organizing
46. Conferences – Posters
47. Conferences – Presenting
48. Conferences – Sharing the Learning (using blogs, Twitter, articles, presentations to others etc.)
49. Conferences – Volunteering
50. Conferences – Workshops
51. Conferences – Writing Proposals for Papers
52. CVs
53. Exchange of Experience Events, Teach Meets and Unconferences
54. Formal Qualifications
55. Funding for CPD
56. Group Conversations
57. Job Rotation
58. Learning Logs and Journals
59. Meetings – Attending
60. Meetings – Chairing
61. Meetings – Note Taking
62. Mentoring – External
63. Mentoring – Peer
64. Minutes of Madness
66. Networks
67. Networks – Setting up
68. Networks – Running
69. Personal Development Plans
70. Presentations – General Tips
71. Professional Membership
72. Projects
73. Project Management Tools
74. Reflection – Facilitating
75. Reflective Practice
76. Reflective Writing
77. Research Activities
78. Secondments
79. Shadowing
80. Social Media
81. SWOT Analysis
82. Time Management
83. Time Management Tools
84. Training Courses – Attending
85. Training Courses – Commissioning
86. Training Courses – Planning, Delivering and Evaluating
87. Twitter
88. Twitter Chats
89. VLEs
90. Visits
91. Volunteering
92. Webinars
93. Writing Blog Posts
94. Writing Business Cases
95. Writing Case Studies
96. Writing Emails
97. Writing Journal Articles
98. Writing Newsletter Articles
99. Writing Procedures
100. Writing Project Plans
101. Writing Reports