Diabetes presents differently in older people and normal ageing
processes, predisposition to specific complications, and other
co-morbid conditions complicate its management. The underlying
philosophy of this book is that there are opportunities for
prevention, health maintenance and rehabilitation for older people
with diabetes, which can realistically improve their quality of
This book is an easy to follow essential guide to providing
skilled and effective care for older people with diabetes in
community, acute and residential care settings. It aims to provide
nurses and other health professionals with the knowledge needed to
accurately diagnose, treat and care for older people with diabetes.
It draws upon guidance from the National Service Frameworks for
Diabetes and Care of Older People (UK) and the Department of Human
Service Standards (Australia) and provides an ideal companion to
Care of People with Diabetes.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Diabetes in Older People.
Chapter 2. Managing Diabetes in Older People.
Chapter 3. Developing Care Systems for Older People.
Chapter 4. Short-term Complications of Diabetes.
Chapter 5. Long-term Complications of Diabetes.
Chapter 6. Educating and Communicating with Older People.
Chapter 7. Rehabilitation, Respite and Palliative Care.
Chapter 8. Mental Health, Depression, Dementia and Diabetes.
Chapter 9. Effective Medication Management in Older People.
Chapter 10. Sexuality and Older People with Diabetes.
Chapter 11. Using Complementary Therapies Wisely in Older
Chapter 12. Resources
Over de auteur
Trisha Dunning is the editor of Nursing Care of Older People with Diabetes, published by Wiley.