Matthew Peel, RN, QN, MSc, BSc, ASET, V300, is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in police custody across Yorkshire and Humber, previously seconded to NHS England as the Chief Nursing Officer’s Clinical Nurse Fellow leading a national project concerning police custody and sexual assault healthcare. He has over a decade of clinical experience in custody, and has published extensively on related issues of nursing and forensic healthcare.
Jennie Smith, RGN, MSc, PGCert, ASET, V300, is President of the UK Association of Forensic Nurses and Paramedics and Clinical Lead for the Merseyside Integrated Police Custody Healthcare and Wider Liaison and Diversion Service. She has over 15 years of clinical experience in custody, and has published and presented extensively on nursing and forensic medicine issues.
Vanessa Webb, MBBS, RGN, MSc, BSc, DLM, DFMS, FMERSA, MFMLM, is dual qualified with GMC and NMC registration. As part of her career journey, she was an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, worked in custody and sexual offences for 20 years and as a Senior Leader, Co-Founder and Trustee, has delivered services across the criminal justice system and continues to be passionate about ensuring that we have a caring and competent workforce that is striving to address inequalities for those we serve.
Margaret Bannerman, SFHEA, MSc, BSc (Hons), RN, Dip HE, Cert Med Ed, PGCert, RM, is an experienced nurse educator with particular experience in curriculum design, developing bespoke education programmes and competency frameworks. She is also experienced in national standard setting, along with accompanying guidelines and policy documents in the areas of forensic healthcare and sexual health.
3 Ebooks door Vanessa Webb
Webb Vanessa Sharples Pat: Brit Guide Which Ski Resort – Europe
Good Ski Guide … Good Party Guide! For a lot of people it’s not just about good snow and great skiing – though you get that here, of course. It’s also a holiday opportunity and other factors ought …
Matthew Peel & Jennie Smith: Police Custody Healthcare for Nurses and Paramedics
An essential resource for nurses and paramedics navigating the intricate world of police custody, providing a solid guide for both the novices and the veterans in the field Across the UK there are on …
Matthew Peel & Jennie Smith: Police Custody Healthcare for Nurses and Paramedics
An essential resource for nurses and paramedics navigating the intricate world of police custody, providing a solid guide for both the novices and the veterans in the field Across the UK there are on …