Dr. Vasil Georgiev obtained his Ph D at The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 2009. He is an expert on bioprocess engineering and secondary metabolites production by plant cells, tissue and organ cultures, functional genomics, metabolite profiling, development and improvement of plant in vitro production platforms. In 2011 he was awarded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with the “Prof. Marin Drinov” prize for the outstanding research in biological sciences. Dr. Georgiev did postdoctoral research at Florida A&M University, USA (2012-2016). Since 2016, he is Associate Professor in the Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology at The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology – BAS and also joined the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Prof. Atanas Pavlov completed his Ph D in biotechnology at the Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1998. From 2003 to 2005, he did postdoctoral research at the Institute of Food Technologies and Bioprocess Engineering, University of Technologies, Dresden, Germany. In 2005, he joined The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as an Associate Professor. In 2009, he received his habilitation (DSci) and is since 2010 a Professor at the Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology. Since 2011 he also holds a second Professor position at the University of Food Technologies on Plovdiv, Bulgaria. His research is mainly focused on the production of specific bioactive metabolites by plant cell, tissue and organ cultures.
2 Ebooks door Vasil Georgiev
Vasil Georgiev & Atanas Pavlov: Salvia Biotechnology
The genus Salvia represents nearly 1, 000 species that are widely distributed around the world. It is the largest in the Lamiaceae family. Traditionally, infusions of Salvia species have been widely …
Vasil Georgiev: Amerikanskata Koza Nostra – Американската Коза Ностра
През 30-те години на ХХ век Ал Капоне е некоронованият цар на престъпността от времето на сухия режим – неговите печалби се изчисляват на 100 милиона долара годишно. През 40-те периметърът на мафията …