After graduating in social anthropology and demography, Véronique Petit became a Professor of demography at the University Paris Descartes. She belongs to the Centre Population and Development. Specialized in demography of developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her research works concerned mainly two fields research: reproductive health (contraception, female genital mutilations, population policies) and international migrations (remittances, return migrations, mental health of migrants). She is the chief editor of the major francophone revue on international migrations, the Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. She also contributes to promote the new field of anthropological demography. She had already published with Springer a book about the stake of interdisciplinarity in social sciences: Counting Population. Understanding societies (2013).
5 Ebooks door Véronique Petit
Véronique Petit: Population Studies and Development from Theory to Fieldwork
This book addresses major population and development issues: fertility and reproductive health, migrations, gender, education, poverty and inequalities. To that aim it revisits and considerably enlar …
Véronique Petit: Counting Populations, Understanding Societies
The core aim of this book is to determine how anthropology and demography can be used in conjunction in the field of population and development. The boundaries of demography are not as clearly define …
Yves Charbit & Philip Kreager: Anthropological Demography of Health
The anthropological demography of health, as a field of interdisciplinary population research, has grown from the 1990s, extending to a remarkable range of key human and policy issues, including: gen …
Yves Charbit & Philip Kreager: Anthropological Demography of Health
The anthropological demography of health, as a field of interdisciplinary population research, has grown from the 1990s, extending to a remarkable range of key human and policy issues, including: gen …
Véronique Petit: Sechs Leben
‘Sechs Leben’ hat er, mehr als alle anderen. Damit ist Gabriel quasi unsterblich. Das Ergebnis seines Bluttests versetzt den 15-jährigen regelrecht in einen Rausch. Er hat das große Los gezogen, denk …