Book 2 of series ‘Monsters’
‘Blame The Monster!’ is a fascinating, colourfully illustrated book for children aged 6 to 9.
A group of cheerful children guide you through a gallery of twenty + 1 Monsters.
Each unique monster will be described, and suggestions will be made on how to defeat them, avoid them or manage them.
They are all cunning and experts in the art of deception.
Good luck to you on this journey!
It is a very helpful book, not only for children.
An illustrated catalogue of twenty Monsters that children should be made aware of and blame.
This is a book about a variety of funny monsters living next to us. It explains how to manage them or cope with having them around.
A useful book not only for children.
Эта книга о забавных монстрах, живущих рядом с нами. Группа моих помощников обьясняет, как с ними справиться и не попасть под их влияние.
Полезная книга не только для детей.