This volume includes eleven chapters that detail advances in engineering research. Chapter One reviews Digital Image Processing and their application in quality control of parts fabricated via Additive Manufacturing. Chapter Two offers methods to reach a high valorization of different agro-industrial wastes, promoting the development of sustainable processes. Chapter Three discusses how piezoelectric sensing devices are used in many different applications. Chapter Four highlights a significant application of machine learning approaches in electrical transmission systems. Chapter Five explains the kinematics modeling of continuum robots. Chapter Six describes the derivation of a set of equations that can be used to compute the inverse kinematic for the UR5 robot. Chapter Seven details the evolution of cognitive radio networks. Chapter Eight investigates energy harvesting from a functionally graded plate with a piezoelectric patch under nonlinear vibrations. Chapter Nine presents an analysis for piezoelectric energy harvesting from the nonlinear vibration of a functionally graded piezoelectric beam subjected to random vibrations. Chapter Ten discusses the evolution of the next generation of operating systems. Lastly, Chapter Eleven details the characteristics of a sectional electro elastic actuator for nanomechatronics systems.