Auteur: William J. Cook

WILLIAM J. COOK is a professor in the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics at Rice University. WILLIAM H. CUNNINGHAM is a professor in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo. WILLIAM R. PULLEYBLANK is Director of Mathematical Sciences at IBM Watson Research in Yorktown Heights, New York. ALEXANDER SCHRIJVER is a department head at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, with a joint appointment as a professor at the University of Amsterdam.

7 Ebooks door William J. Cook

William J. Cook & William H. Cunningham: Combinatorial Optimization
A complete, highly accessible introduction to one of today’s most exciting areas of applied mathematics One of the youngest, most vital areas of applied mathematics, combinatorial optimization integr …
David L. Applegate & Robert E. Bixby: The Traveling Salesman Problem
This book presents the latest findings on one of the most intensely investigated subjects in computational mathematics–the traveling salesman problem. It sounds simple enough: given a set of cities …
William J. Cook & László Lovász: Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
The editors and authors dedicate this book to Bernhard Korte on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. We, the editors, are happy about the overwhelming feedback to our initiative to honor him with …
William J. Cook: In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman
The story of one of the greatest unsolved problems in mathematics What is the shortest possible route for a traveling salesman seeking to visit each city on a list exactly once and return to his city …
William J. Cook & Andreas S. Schulz: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at IPCO 2002, the Ninth International Conferenceon Integer Programmingand Combinatorial- timization, Cambridge, MA (USA), May 27-29, 2002. Th …