William H. Starbuck is ITT Professor of Creative Management
in the Stern School of Business at New York University. He has been
the editor of Administrative Science Quarterly and chaired
the screening committee for senior Fulbright awards in business
management; he was the President of the Academy of Management, and
he is a Fellow in the Academy of Management, American Psychological
Association, American Psychological Society, British Academy of
Management, and Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology. He has published more than 120 articles on accounting,
bargaining, business strategy, computer programming, computer
simulation, forecasting, decision-making, human–computer
interaction, learning, organizational design, organizational growth
and development, perception, scientific methods, and social
Moshe Farjoun is an associate professor at the Schulich
School of Business, York University, Toronto. His research
interests lie in the intersection of strategic management and
organization. His research has explored market and organizational
dynamics, particularly as they pertain to the processes of strategy
formulation, implementation and change. His articles have appeared
in Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal,
Organization Science, and Academy of Management
1 Ebooks door William Starbuck
William Starbuck & Moshe Farjoun: Organization at the Limit
The book offers important insight relevant to Corporate, Government and Global organizations management in general. The internationally recognised authors tackle vital issues in decision making, how …