This 3-volume handbook brings together contributions by the world´s leading specialists that reflect the broad spectrum of modern palaeoanthropology, thus presenting an indispensable resource for professionals and students alike. Vol. 1 reviews principles, methods, and approaches, recounting recent advances and state-of-the-art knowledge in phylogenetic analysis, palaeoecology and evolutionary theory and philosophy. Vol. 2 examines primate origins, evolution, behaviour, and adaptive variety, emphasizing integration of fossil data with contemporary knowledge of the behaviour and ecology of living primates in natural environments. Vol. 3 deals with fossil and molecular evidence for the evolution of Homo sapiens and its fossil relatives.
Volume 1: Principles, Methods, and Approaches
Editorial: Paleoanthropology – A Multidisciplinary Approach (Henke & Tattersall)
Chap. 1: Historical Overview of Paleoanthropological Research (Henke)
Chap. 2: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus (Huneman)
Chap. 3: The Ontogeny-Phylogeny Nexus in a Nutshell: Implications for Primatology and Paleoanthropology (Menke)
Chap. 4: Principles of Taxonomy and Classification: Current Procedures for Naming and Classifying Organisms (Ohl)
Chap. 5: Quantitative Approaches to Phylogenetics (Folinsbee, Evans, Fröbisch, Tsuji & Brooks)
Chap. 6: Homology: a Philosophical and Biological Perspective (Rieppel)
Chap. 7: Taphonomic and Diagenetic Processes (Grupe)
Chap. 8: Archaeology (Haidle)
Chap. 9: Contribution of Stable Light Isotopes to Paleoenviromental Reconstruction (Lee-Thorp & Sponheimer)
Chap. 10: Chronometric Methods in Paleoanthropology (Wagner)
Chap. 11: Geological Background of Hominid Sites in Africa (Kullmer)
Chap. 12: Paleoclimate (Alverson)
Chap. 13: Paleosol (Retallack)
Chap. 14: Quaternary Deposits and Paleosites (Jaeger)
Chap. 15: Zoogeography – Primate and Early Hominin Distribution and Migration Patterns (A. Turner & O’Regan)
Chap. 16: Patterns of Diversification and Extinction (Etter)
Chap. 17: Paleoecology – an Adequate Window on the Past? (Hardt, T., Hardt, B. & Menke)
Chap. 18: Hominin Paleodiets: The Contribution of Stable Isotopes (Sponheimer & Lee-Thorp)
Chap. 19: Estimation of Basic Life History Data of Fossil Hominoids (Hemmer)
Chap. 20: Population Genetics and Paleoanthropology (Relethford)
Chap. 21: Ancient DNA (Hummel)
Chap. 22: The Paleodemography of Extinct Hominin Populations (Mann & Monge)
Chap. 23: Modelling the Past: The Primatological Approach (Sussmann & Hart)
Chap. 24: Modelling the Past: The Ethnological Approach (Biagi)
Chap. 25: Modelling the Past: The Linguistic Approach (Comrie)
Chap. 26: General Principles of Evolutionary Morphology (Macho)
Chap. 27: Computer-based Reconstruction: Technical Aspects and Applications (Ulhaas)
Chap. 28: Prospects and Pitfalls (Hublin)
Editorial: Critical Evaluation (Henke & Tattersall)
Volume 2: Primate Evolution and Human Origins
Editorial: Morphology and Paleoenvironment (Henke & Tattersall)
Chap. 1: Primate Origins and Supraordinal Relationships: Morphological Evidence (Silcox, Sargis, Bloch & Boyer)
Chap. 2: Molecular Evidence on Primate Origins and Evolution (Zischler)
Chap. 3: Fossil Record of the Primates from the Paleocene to the Oligocene (Rasmussen)
Chap. 4: Fossil Record of Miocene Hominoids (Begun)
Chap. 5: The Biotic Environments of the Late Miocene Hominoids (Agusti)
Chap. 6: Postcranial and Locomotor Adaptations of Hominoids (Ward)
Chap. 7: Hominoid Cranial Diversity and Adaptation (Bilsborough & Rae)
Chap. 8: Dental Adaptations of African Apes (Teaford & Ungar)
Chap. 9: Evolution of the Primate Brain (Falk)
Chap. 10: Primate Life Histories (Zimmermann & Radespiel)
Chap. 11: The Biology and Evolution of Ape and Monkey Feeding (Lambert)
Chap. 12: Great Ape Social Systems (Meder)
Chap. 13: Primate Intelligence (Byrne)
Chap. 14: Chimpanzee Hunting Behaviour (Newton-Fisher)
Chap. 15: Cooperation, Coalition, Alliances (Hemelrijk)
Editorial: Critical Evaluation (Henke & Tattersall)
Volume 3: Phylogeny of Hominids
Editorial: Who we are, where we go? (Henke & Tattersall)
Chap. 1: Potential Hominoid Ancestors for Hominidae (Koufos)
Chap. 2: Defining Hominidae (Schwartz)
Chap. 3: Origins of Homininae and Putative Selection Pressures Acting on the Early Hominins (Pawlowski)
Chap. 4: Role of Environmental Stimuli in Hominid Origins (Vrba)
Chap. 5: Origin of Bipedal Locomotion (Harcourth-Smith)
Chap. 6: The Earliest Putative Hominids (Senut)
Chap. 7: The Species and Diversity of Australopiths (Kimbel)
Chap. 8: Defining the Genus Homo Morphologically (Collard)
Chap. 9: The Earliest Putative Homo Fossils (Schrenk, Bromage & Kullmer)
Chap. 10: Homo ergaster and Its Contemporaries (Tattersall)
Chap. 11: Defining Homo erectus: Size Considered (Antón, Spoor, Fellmann & Swisher III)
Chap. 12: Later Middle Pleistocene Homo (Rightmire)
Chap. 13: Neanderthals and their Contemporaries (Harvati)
Chap. 14: Origin of Modern Humans (Bräuer)
Chap. 15: Analysing Hominid Phylogeny (Strait, Grine & Fleagle)
Chap. 16: Biomolecules (Disotell)
Chap. 17: Population Biology and Population Genetics of Pleistocene Hominins (Templeton)
Chap. 18: Species Concepts and Speciation – Facts and Fantasies (Groves)
Chap. 19: Human Environmental Impact in the Paleolithic and Neolithic (Nentwig)
Chap. 20: The Dentition of American Indians: Evolutionary Results and Demographic Implications Following Colonization from Siberia (Turner II & Scott)
Chap. 21: Overview of Paleolithic Archaeology (Toth & Schick)
Chap. 22: The Network of Brain, Body, Language, and Culture (Mithen)
Chap. 23: An Overview of the Patterns of Behavioural Change in Africa and Eurasia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene (Conard)
Chap. 24: Paleoanthropology and the Foundation of Ethics – Methodological Remarks on the Problem of Criteriology (Weingarten & Gutmann)
Synopsis: Homo: primus inter pares (Henke & Tattersall)