Auteur: Wolfgang Grisold

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Likar, Abteilungsvorstand Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin am Klinikum Klagenfurt. Prof. Dr. Olivia Kada, Lectur/Senior Researcher, Fachhochschule Kärnten. Dr. Georg Pinter, Abteilungsvorstand Zentrum für Altersmedizin am Klinikum Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Janig, Klinischer und Gesundheitspsychologe. PD Dr. Walter Schippinger, Ärztl. Leiter der Albert Schweitzer Klinik Graz. Dr. Karl Cernic, Geschäftsführer Kärntner Gesundheitsfonds Klagenfurt. Prof. Dr. Cornel C. Sieber, Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin (Geriatrie), Institut für Biomedizin des Alterns, Friedrich Alexander Universität Nürnberg. Mit Beiträgen von: Karl Cernic, Herbert Janig, Olivia Kada, Rudolf Likar, Georg Pinter, Walter Schippinger, Cornel Sieber, Gerhard Aigner, Kristin Attems, Alois Birklbauer, Robert Birnbacher, Peter Dovjak, Susanne Dungs, Markus Egger, Barbara Friesenecker, Thomas Frühwald, Wolfgang Grisold, Katharina Heimerl, Johannes Huber, Dieter Hubmann, Manfred Kanatschnig, Andreas Klein, Marina Kojer, Ulrich H.J Körtner, Frieder R. Lang, Alexander Lang, Markus Mader, Elisabeth Medicus, Mario Molnar, Walter Müller, Gernot Murko, Herwig Oberlerchner, Desmond O”Neill, Michael Peintinger, Gerald Pichler, Stefan Quasthoff, Roland Rupprecht, Dieter Schmidt, Patrick Schuchter, Rüdiger Stix, Williabald Stronegger, Bernhard Svejda, Andreas Valentin, Dan Verdes, Jürgen Wallner, Anton Wanner, Herbert Watzke, Klaus Wegleitner, Monique Weissenberger-Leduc, Dietmar Weixler und Michaela Zmaritz-Kukla.

17 Ebooks door Wolfgang Grisold

Rudolf Likar & Olivia Kada: Ethische Herausforderungen des Alters
Im Zentrum des Buchs steht der alternde Mensch mit seinen Angehörigen. Seine Interaktion mit dem Gesundheits- und Pflegesystem, den Ärzten und Pflegekräften verändert sich über den Prozess des …
Rudolf Likar & Olivia Kada: Ethische Herausforderungen des Alters
Im Zentrum des Buchs steht der alternde Mensch mit seinen Angehörigen. Seine Interaktion mit dem Gesundheits- und Pflegesystem, den Ärzten und Pflegekräften verändert sich über den Prozess des …
Eva L. Feldman & Wolfgang Grisold: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
The atlas is a comprehensive outline of neuromuscular diseases, written by experienced American and European authors. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders including the cranial nerves, …
Eva L. Feldman & Wolfgang Grisold: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
This atlas presents a comprehensive outline of neuromuscular diseases, written by respected American and European authors. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders including cranial and sp …
Thomas Grisold & Wolfgang Grisold: Advocacy in Neurology
Advocacy is a broad term that covers activities aimed at increasing attention, awareness, information, nursing, treatment, and support to improve the outcome of patients. These actions can be focused …
Thomas Grisold & Wolfgang Grisold: Advocacy in Neurology
Advocacy is a broad term that covers activities aimed at increasing attention, awareness, information, nursing, treatment, and support to improve the outcome of patients. These actions can be focused …
Wolfgang Grisold & Riccardo Soffietti: Neuro-Oncology Part I
Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Neuro-Oncology, Part I summarizes the present state of scientific and clinical knowledge in the field of neuro-oncology, including information related to diagnostic …
Wolfgang Grisold & Riccardo Soffietti: Neuro-Oncology, Part II
Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Neuro-Oncology, Part II provides an overview of the most recent developments in the field of neuro-oncology, including new diagnostic imaging techniques, along with …
Wolfgang Grisold: Neuromuskuläre Läsionen bei Malignomen
Das Buch behandelt die Auswirkungen von bösartigen Tumoren (solide Tumore und hämatologische Systemerkrankungen) auf das periphere Nervensystem. Die Gliederung umfaßt die einzelnen Abschnitte des PNS …
Eva L. Feldman & James W. Russell: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
This atlas offers a comprehensive overview of neuromuscular diseases. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders, including general tools, the cranial and spinal nerves, the nerve plexus, …
Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris & Antonio Federico: Neurology in Migrants and Refugees
This book is the result of reflections and work of the Specialty group on neurology in migrants of the World Federation of Neurology. The volume provides a synthesis of migrants’ health in r …
Helmar C. Lehmann & Wolfgang Grisold: Polyneuropathie
Polyneuropathies are among the most common acute and chronic neurological diseases. They have various causes & diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, rheumatism or cancer, toxic or genetic causes, …
Helmar C. Lehmann & Wolfgang Grisold: Polyneuropathie
Polyneuropathies are among the most common acute and chronic neurological diseases. They have various causes & diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, rheumatism or cancer, toxic or genetic causes, …
Wolfgang Grisold & Walter Struhal: The Cranial Nerves in Neurology
This book presents a complete summary about the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (CN). They control much of the motor and sensory functions of the head and neck such as smell, sight, eye movement, and fe …
Guido Cavaletti & Wolfgang Grisold: Effects of Cancer Treatment on the Nervous System, Volume 1
This first volume describes the epidemiology of cancer, development of drugs, chemotherapy and surgical therapy, and the side effects of therapies and differential diagnoses. It shows that the …
Guido Cavaletti & Wolfgang Grisold: Effects of Cancer Treatment on the Nervous System, Volume 2
Cancer is often associated with pain and is a frequent issue in patients with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy. The participation of patients in studies and their influence on study design is …