Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang H. Müller ist Lehrstuhlinhaber für Kontinuumsmechanik und Materialtheorie am Institut für Mechanik der Technischen Universität Berlin.
17 Ebooks door Wolfgang H. Muller
Wolfgang H. Müller & Wolf Weiss: The State of Deformation in Earthlike Self-Gravitating Objects
This book presents an in-depth continuum mechanics analysis of the deformation due to self-gravitation in terrestrial objects, such as the inner planets, rocky moons and asteroids. Following a brief …
Holm Altenbach & Frank Jablonski: Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis
This book presents a collection of contributions on the advanced mechanics of materials and mechanics of structures approaches, written in honor of Professor Kienzler. It covers various topics relate …
Ferdinand Ferber & Wolfgang H. Müller: Übungsaufgaben zur Technischen Mechanik
Die praktische Ergänzung zum Lehrbuch ‘Technische Mechanik für Ingenieure’. Umfangreiches Übungsmaterial für das praktische Verständnis Die Sammlung von Übungsaufgaben ergänzt das im gleichen Verlag …
Wolfgang H. Müller & Ferdinand Ferber: Technische Mechanik für Ingenieure
Dieses Lehrbuch ist auf die Bachelor-Ausbildung in der Technischen Mechanik an technischen Universitäten und Hochschulen im deutschsprachigen Raum ausgerichtet. Behandelt werden die in den ersten Sem …
Ingo Müller & Wolfgang H. Müller: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Applications
Thermodynamics is the much abused slave of many masters • physicists who love the totally impractical Carnot process, • mechanical engineers who design power stations and refrigerators, • chemists wh …
Wolfgang H. Müller: An Expedition to Continuum Theory
This book introduces field theory as required in solid and fluid mechanics as well as in electromagnetism. It includes the necessary applied mathematical framework of tensor algebra and tensor calcul …
Alexander Ya. Grigorenko & Wolfgang H. Müller: Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory
This volume focuses on the relevant general theory and presents some first applications, namely those based on classical shell theory. After a brief introduction, during which the history and state-o …
Alexander Ya. Grigorenko & Wolfgang H. Müller: Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory
This brief book presents solutions of stress-strain problems for a wide class of anisotropic inhomogeneous shells obtained by the refined model. Studying these problems results in severe computationa …
Alexander Ya. Grigorenko & Wolfgang H. Müller: Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory
These two-partition books present essential approaches to numerical-analytical solutions of problems in the mechanics of shells with various structures and shapes based on refined and spatial models. …
Wolfgang H. Muller: Streifzüge durch die Kontinuumstheorie
Das Buch führt in verschiedene Bereiche der Kontinuumstheorie ein, die für Ingenieure von Relevanz sind. Dazu gehören die Deformation des elastischen und des plastifizierenden Festkörpers, die Strömu …
Holm Altenbach & Wolfgang H. Müller: Higher Gradient Materials and Related Generalized Continua
This book discusses recent findings and advanced theories presented at two workshops at TU Berlin in 2017 and 2018. It underlines several advantages of generalized continuum models compared to the cl …
Holm Altenbach & Natalia Chinchaladze: Analysis of Shells, Plates, and Beams
This book commemorates the 75th birthday of Prof. George Jaiani – Georgia’s leading expert on shell theory. He is also well known outside Georgia for his individual approach to shell theory research …
Wolfgang H. Müller & Sebastian Glane: Technische Mechanik für Technomathematik und Physikalische Ingenieurwissenschaft
Diese Technische Mechanik ist in diesem Werk speziell abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse der Studierenden der Physikalischen Ingenieurwissenschaft. Sämtliche Sachgebiete des Grundkurses werden in einer s …
Alexander Ya. Grigorenko & Wolfgang H. Müller: Selected Problems in the Elastodynamics of Piezoceramic Bodies
This book presents various dynamic processes in non-uniform piezoceramic cylindrical and spherical bodies based on numerical methods. It discusses different variants of nonhomogeneous structural pola …
Holm Altenbach & Giovanni Bruno: Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials
This book is published on dedication of Prof. Dr. Igor Sevostianov who passed away in 2021. He was a great Russian-American scientist who made significant contributions in the field of mechanics of h …
Wolfgang H. Müller & Elena N. Vilchevskaya: Kontinuumsphysik
Die klassischen Feldtheorien der Kontinuumsphysik sind der Schlüssel zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis von Mechanik, Thermo- und Elektrodynamik. Als mathematische Hilfsmittel hierzu dienen die Vekt …
Wolfgang H. Müller & Alfons Noe: New Achievements in Mechanics
This book presents various solutions modeling in the performance and behavior of advanced materials and engineering structures. In this book, famous scientists in the field of materials mechanics sha …