Written by an international team of experts, Somatic
Genome Variation presents a timely summary of the latest
understanding of somatic genome development and variation in
plants, animals, and microorganisms. Wide-ranging in coverage, the
authors provide an updated view of somatic genomes and genetic
theories while also offering interpretations of somatic genome
variation. The text provides geneticists, bioinformaticians,
biologist, plant scientists, crop scientists, and microbiologists
with a valuable overview of this fascinating field of research.
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About the Editor
Xiu-Qing Li, Doctorat d’État en Sciences (France), is a senior level Research Scientist of Molecular Genetics at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Government of Canada). Dr. Li is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Brunswick and serves as an editor on Plo S ONE, Genetics and Epigeneitcs, and the Potato Journal.