Explore possibilities and outcomes with the ancient art of Qi Men
Qi Men Dun Jia Forecasting Methods – Wealth and Life Pursuits (Book 1) is a practical and easy-to-use reference book on utilising the ancient art of Qi Men for divination or forecasting. In this first instalment on forecasting methods, learn how to divine subjects related to a person’s prospects in pursuit of his or her calling and fortune in life.
What You'll Learn:
•Essential reference for Qi Men Dun Jia – Forecasting method
•The history of Qi Men Dun Jia and its application then and now
•Diverse Forecasting Scenarios outlined with the Yong Shen (Useful Gods) clearly marked
•A compilation of various scenarios for forecasting investment endeavours, current luck status, buying and selling of property, promotion prospects, the outcome of debt collection, examination results to the welfare of a person travelling abroad.
•Simplified representation and description of each unique scenario for quick reference
A. Brief Introduction to Qi Men Dun Jia
Get to know your fundamentals to Qi Men in this integral section on Qi Men history, methodologies and applications.
B. General Life Outlook Forecast
Obtain a general outlook of a person’s life, present luck status, as well as important life events.
C. Wealth & Assets Forecast
Forecast a variety of matters related to finance, business and investment.
D. Career Forecast
Investigate the probability of getting a job, the outcome of a career path, as well as the prospects of receiving a promotion.
E. Academic Pursuits & Competitions Forecast
Produce forecasts on matters relating education, examination and even competitions.