Auteur: Yaping Tian

Dr. Xueji Zhang is a Professor and the Dean at the School of Chemistry & Biological Engineering, University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), P.R. China. He received his BSc. and Ph.D. from Wuhan University in 1989 and 1994, respectively. His postdoctoral work was completed at National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and New Mexico State University, Last Cruces, USA from 1995-1999. He has been a Research Scientist, Sr. Scientist, Chief Scientist, Vice President and Sr. Vice President at World Precision Instruments, Inc. USA until 2010, when he joined USTB as National Chair Professor under “Chinese 1000 Elites Program”. His research interests span the disciplines of chemistry, biology, materials and medicine with an emphasis on the studies of biosensing, biomedicine and bioenergy. His lab focuses on the development of novel biosensors, tools and devices to study free radicals, cancer biomarkers, profiling changes in animal or human associated with diseases and exploit this information for development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In addition, his group investigates drug delivery, new energy and natural medicines. He serves as the chief editor of Am. J. of Biomed. Sci. and has been an editorial member of 17 international journals. He has received numerous national and international awards and honors including Member of Russian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Royal Society and Simon Fellow of ICSC-World Lab. He has authored ~300 papers, 5 books and holds 43 patents. He has developed numerous sensors and instruments for commercialization. Dr. Haifeng Dong received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Three Gorge University in 2005 and Chongqing University in 2008, respectively. Under the supervision of Professor Huangxian Ju, he received his Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University in 2011. He joined the group of Professor Xueji Zhang at the University of Science & Technology5). These papers have been cited over 800 times and the most cited paper has been cited 309 times. He has been recognized with Jiangsu province Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2012 and National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination in 2013. He was also awarded the first class Natural Science Prize by Ministry of Education of China in 2013 (the sixth accomplisher) and the first class Scientific and Technological Prize by Chinese Association for Instrumental Analysis in 2014 (the seventh accomplisher). Dr. Yaping Tian is a Professor at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Chinese PLA General Hospital and Military Medical School, China. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Nankai University and Tsinghua University. Dr. Tian received his Master Degree in Medicine from Chinese PLA Postgraduate Medical School and Ph.D. from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. He had been trained as a Postdoctoral Fellow for 2 years at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Australia. Dr. Tian’s research has been focused on the specific serum proteomic profiles and genetic signatures of different diseases, especially on cancer. He also studies the antioxidants in herbal medicine and free radical biology. Dr. Tian has received more than 20 grants and published more than 300 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is on the editorial boards of several journals and serves as the Chairman of the Clinical Biochemistry and Applied Molecular Biology Association, CSBMB.

1 Ebooks door Yaping Tian

Xueji Zhang & Haifeng Dong: MicroRNA Detection and Pathological Functions
This book summarizes micro RNA (mi RNA) biology in a variety of pathological processes, emphasizing the significant potential applications of mi RNA in diagnostics and prognostics, as well as novel d …