Auteur: Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa

Bhakti Yoga Revolution On a life journey to share Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, traveling around the world, writing books about God, Nature & Consciousness. According to the instructions of my spiritual teachers I share spiritual realisation via words, poetry, music and stories. Traveling to over fifty countries, collecting boundless experiences and giving myself into the fire of transformation. Mantra Meditation, Transcendental Sound Vibration, Happy Celebration. Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare Join the Party!

14 Ebooks door Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa

Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: All One, yet different
.This book is meant to raise the individual consciousness to uplift human society, for a happy and spiritually engaged life. Simultaneously, I wanted to share the findings of ancient Vedic wisdom as …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Śraddhā
In this series ‘Krsna Consciousness Basics’ we explore different concepts of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, the practice of Bhakti-Yoga. For the last decade I have traveled around the world to search out the t …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: The Art of Spiritual Travel
This book came about in the process of self-discovery and is based on timeless yogic teachings of the Vedas. Yoga is the science to ‘link up with the Supreme’, and it is authorised through the oldest …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Via Medium
Dear reader, you are well invited to take part. With this book we are giving you an introduction into the program, which can be practiced daily, a whole life long. It doesn’t matter how old you are, …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Innere Revolution
Die Sonne geht unter über den Himmel von Sarcelles, 16 Kilometer von der französischen Hauptstadt Paris entfernt. Das Herz ist gestillt im spirituellen Zuhause. Hier wohne ich mit Kṛṣṇa, der Höchsten …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Bhakti-Yoga
This ancient tradition of master-disciples in the practice of Bhakti-yoga is traced back since time immemorial, and as the history goes, this knowledge had been transferred through the via Medium of …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Inner Revolution Poetry
‘One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within, and whose aim is inward is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.’ (Bha …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Yoga of Writing
Dear Readers, this book aims to help you on your path to self-realisation. Sure, it’s a long path, but writing helps us all the way. This method we learn in school just needs a bit of a conscious twe …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Inner Revolution Poetry 2
From the Foreword The beauty of poetry is also practical. It is said in the Vedic scripture that to be a poet is one of the divine qualities possessed by devotees of the Lord. Like an ornament it enh …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Monk’s Minimalist Mindset
Monks have understood that truely lasting happiness comes irrespective of material goods, comforts and commodities. Eventually, spiritual happiness (ananda) comes from the soul, part and parcel of Go …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Spiritual Gentleman
In this book a path is presented from a problematic position to a solution that lasts eternally. One might be afflicted with negative desires, lust or bad habits, but the Bhagavad-Gītā has a solution …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Inner Revolution
The beauty of poetry is also practical. It is said in the Vedic scripture that to be a poet is one of the divine qualities possessed by devotees of the Lord. Like an ornament it enhances the characte …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: Dienst Dévotion Demut
Demut oder Ergebenheit in liebevoller Hingabe sollen uns weiter erden und beschäftigen. In diesem Tagebuch möchte ich die nächsten Monate nutzen, um über diesen Wert der demütigen Hingabe zu Gott zu …
Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa: A Journey of Surrender
It’s my humble request to present to you realisations and practical thoughts from the depth of my heart for the pleasure of the Guru parampara. All the ācāryas, great examplerary teachers, commented …