This book presents recent results on nonlinear evolutionary fluid equations such as the compressible (radiative) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations, compressible viscous micropolar fluid equations, the full non-Newtonian fluid equations and non-autonomous compressible Navier-Stokes equations. These types of partial differential equations arise in many fields of mathematics, but also in other branches of science such as physics and fluid dynamics.
This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers interested in partial differential equations, and will also benefit practitioners in physics and engineering.
Preface.- 1 Global Existence and Asymptotic Behavior for the Cauchy Problem of the 1D Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid System.- 2 Global Existence and Exponential Stability for a 1D Compressible and Radiative MHD Flow.- 3 Global Smooth Solutions for 1D Thermally Radiative Magnetohydrodynamics with Selfgravitation.- 4 Global Smooth Solutions to A 1D Self-gravitating Viscous Radiative and Reactive Gas.- 5 The Cauchy Problem for A 1D Compressible Viscous Micropolar Fluid Model.- 6 Global Existence and Exponential Stability for A 1D Compressible Viscous Micropolar Fluid Model.- 7 Global Existence and Exponential Stability of Solutions to the 1D Full non-Newtonian Fluids.- 8 Exponential Stability of Spherically Symmetric Solutions to Nonlinear Non-autonomous Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations.- Bibliography.- Index.