Clara Burbano Herrera is a research professor of international human rights law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Ghent University, and Director of the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context. Besides, she is Principal investigator of the ERC Consolidator Grant IMPACT
UM and a guest professor at the Universities of Pretoria and Geneva. Previously, she was a Fulbright Postdoctoral Researcher at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Her research relates to the role of international human rights organs in the prevention of violation of human rights, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. Clara has been awarded the Dutch Prince Bernhard Price for Innovative Research.
Yves Haeck is a professor of international human rights and constitutional law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Ghent University, and a guest professor at the Universities of Geneva and Pretoria. Besides, he is the Director of the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context at Ghent University. Prior to this, he was an assistant professor at Utrecht University and a guest professor at the University of Malta. Yves is co-founder of the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University. His research focuses on both substantial and procedural issues before regional human rights adjudicators, especially the European and Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
4 Ebooks door Yves Haeck
Christine Van Roy & Cathleen Aerts: Wet & Duiding Kids-Codex Boek II
In dit tweede deel van de KIDS-Codex worden alle bepalingen uit het personen- en familierecht in verband met kinderen en minderjarigen behandeld en becommentarieerd. Zie inhoudstafel * …
Jim Deridder & Sarah D’hondt: Wet & Duiding Kids-Codex Boek III
In dit derde deel van de KIDS-Codex worden alle relevante bepalingen uit het onderwijsrecht, vrijetijdsrecht en vreemdelingenrecht behandeld en becommentarieerd. Zie inhoudstafel * De vijfdelige …
Yves Haeck & Eva Brems: Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the 21st Century
This volume contributes to the on-going legal discussion on pressing procedural and substantial law issues in the ambit of international human rights and civil liberties. While the 20th century has s …
Clara Burbano Herrera & Yves Haeck: Human Rights Behind Bars
This book brings together leading authorities from the fields of international human rights law, criminology, legal medicine, and political science with international human rights judges and UN exper …