This book presents challenges in transportation engineering, recent developments and advancements in technologies, and design and construction using sustainable materials. The articles presented in this volume focus on fundamental investigations on various aspects of civil engineering materials and structures. The scope of this volume is the application of findings for solving problems in geotechnical, pavement, and transportation engineering using emerging techniques. Papers were selected from the 5th Geo China International Conference 2018 on Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes Conference, held on July 23 to 25, 2018 in Hang Zhou, China.
1.Finding an Optimal Bitumen and Natural Sand Balance for Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete in Hot And Arid Regions.- 2.Incremental Rutting Prediction with Asphalt Mixture Shear Properties.- 3.Thermal Gradient in Self Compacting Concrete – An Experimental Investigation.- 4.Static compaction characteristics of coarse and fine grained soils.- 5.Resilient Modulus and Layer Coefficient of Open-graded Aggregate.- 6.Coefficient of subgrade reaction for the permeable block and base system at Korea GI and LID center.- 7.Slope Stability of Tailing Dam under Seismic Excitation.- 8.Use of the Shear Box Compactor for Porous Asphalt Mix Property Assessment.- 9.Concrete Surface Hardener Laboratory Performance Study for Caltrans.- 10.An optimized data interpretation for Marshall flow and stability test.- 11.Use of Intelligent Compaction in Detecting and Remediating Under-Compacted Spots During Compaction of Asphalt Layers.- 12.Design and Construct Contracts for Airport Asphalt Resurfacing.- 13.Influence of FWD uncertainty on the backcalculated flexible pavement layers moduli.- 14.Feasibility of Using XRF for Assessment of Surface Free Energy Components of Asphalt binder.- 15.Implementing U.S. Freight Policy at the State Level: Oklahoma’s Story.