BARRY ROBSON is Director of Medical Research and Professor
of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Evidence Based Medicine at St.
Matthew”s University School of Medicine, and CEO of The Dirac
Foundation, formed with the permission of Nobel laureate Paul A. M.
Dirac”s widow to promote understanding of the value of theoretical
physics in human and veterinary medicine. Until recently, he was
Chief Scientific Officer of IBM Global Healthcare and Life
Sciences, and then Global Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, an IBM
Distinguished Engineer, and previously, Strategic Advisor at IBM
Research headquarters.
O. K. BAEK is a Senior Solutions Architect at IBM,
specializing in healthcare and with a passionate interest in the
benefits and long-standing logic of Oriental medicine. He is
particularly interested in the development of novel architectures
for sharing and using medical information securely, and in
translational research, the matter of rapidly delivering the
results of medical research and genomics to enhance everyday
clinical decisions.
1 Ebooks by O. K. Baek
Barry Robson & O. K. Baek: The Engines of Hippocrates
A unique, integrative look at information-based medicine The convergence of medical science, biology, pharmacology, biomedical engineering, healthcare, and information technology is revolutionizing m …