Olivier Dabène is Professor of Political Science at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po). He is also Senior Researcher at the Center for International Studies (CERI) and President of the Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean (OPALC), both at Sciences Po, France.
6 Ebooks by Olivier Dabene
Olivier Dabène: Street Art and Democracy in Latin America
This book explores street art’s contributions to democracy in Latin America through a comparative study of five cities: Bogota (Colombia), São Paulo (Brazil), Valparaiso (Chile), Oaxaca (Mexico) and …
Olivier (Sciences Po, France) Dabene & Gordon Mace: Summits & Regional Governance
Despite the large number of regional and global summits there is very little known about the functioning and impact of this particular type of diplomatic practice. While recognizing that the growing …
Olivier (Sciences Po, France) Dabene & Gordon Mace: Summits & Regional Governance
Despite the large number of regional and global summits there is very little known about the functioning and impact of this particular type of diplomatic practice. While recognizing that the growing …
Olivier Dabène: Latin America’s Pendular Politics
This book explores pendular politics in Latin America, focusing on electoral cycles with a pattern of similar results. Latin America has been neoliberal in the 1990s, leftist during the 2000s, then …
Olivier Dabene & Frederic Louault: Atlas de l”Amérique latine. Polarisation politique et crises
Riche d’une histoire mouvementée et composée d’une multitude d’identités, l’Amérique latine fait face aujourd’hui à de nombreux défis. Cet atlas dresse le portrait social, économique et politique de …
Olivier Dabene & Frederic Louault: Atlas du Brésil. Promesses et défis d”une puissance émergente
Plus de 120 cartes et infographies originales et mises à jour pour appréhender un pays en pleine effervescence. – Ses ressources naturelles, parmi les plus riches du monde, sont activement convoitées …