Author: Olivier Mesly

Olivier Mesly obtained a doctorate in marketing after which he completed a post-degree term at HEC Montreal. His area of specialization- the emotional relationship between sellers and buyers- eventually focused on one particular area of interest: the psychology of investors. He has written a number of scientific articles on behavioral finance and his approach has found applications not only is psychology, but also in the legal field and project management. He works closely with a number of psychologists and is involved in many research activities including in virtual reality and f MRI as well as being a member of the LAPS (Laboratory for psychoneuroendocrinological analyses). He recently won the best presentation award at the Psychology outside the Box forum held in Ottawa in 2014.

7 Ebooks by Olivier Mesly

Olivier Mesly: Creating Models in Psychological Research
This concise reference serves as a companion to traditional research texts by focusing on such essentials as model construction, robust methodologies and defending a compelling hypothesis. Designed t …
Olivier (University of Quebec in Outaouais, Hull, Quebec, Canada) Mesly: Project Feasibility
This book presents a set of tools that will aid in deciding whether a project should go ahead, be improved, or abandoned altogether by pinpointing its vulnerabilities. It offers a review of project f …
Olivier (University of Quebec in Outaouais, Hull, Quebec, Canada) Mesly: Project Feasibility
This book presents a set of tools that will aid in deciding whether a project should go ahead, be improved, or abandoned altogether by pinpointing its vulnerabilities. It offers a review of project f …
Olivier (University of Quebec in Outaouais, Hull, Quebec, Canada) Mesly: Marketing Projects
Marketing is about placing a new product or service into the market. Projects are about delivering new products and services. The merger of these two fields holds great promise for delivering value t …
Olivier (University of Quebec in Outaouais, Hull, Quebec, Canada) Mesly: Marketing Projects
Marketing is about placing a new product or service into the market. Projects are about delivering new products and services. The merger of these two fields holds great promise for delivering value t …
Olivier Mesly: Marketing de projets
Ce manuel a pour vocation d’offrir aux lecteurs une vue précise du marketing et de la gestion de projets , mais aussi des liens forts entre ces deux matières qui existent désormais dans la gestion co …
Olivier Mesly & Christophe Rethore: Commercial Space Design and Customer Experience
This book can be integrated in any marketing course or serve as a reference for a standalone course about its two themes: retail space design, and its service offerings. It covers a wide variety of c …