When Pugly straps on his blades of glory, he knows he is the best ice skater EVER! But someone wants the gold medal very badly and they will stop at nothing to get it. Can Pugly pirouette on to the podium, or will he be cut down in his furry prime?
Pugly On Ice is the third in the laugh-out-loud series about a very adventurous pug, written by Pamela Butchart, winner of the Blue Peter Best Story Award and the Children's Book Award. The hilarious illustrations are by Gemma Correll and the books are perfect for early readers.
Have you read about Pugly's other adventures?
Pugly Bakes a Cake
Pugly Solves a Crime
About the author
Gemma was born in Suffolk in 1984. She went to school, where she spent most of her time drawing, cutting out and sticking and making her own comics, and wearing 'My Little Pony' rollerskates. Twenty-four years later, she's still drawing, making collages and producing comics but, sadly, the rollerskates no longer fit.
Gemma graduated from the Norwich school of Art and Design in 2006 with a BA (hons) degree in Graphic Design, specialising in Illustration. She now works as a freelance illustrator.