Paolo Favilli is retired Professor of Contemporary History and the Theory of Historical Research at Genoa University, Italy, where he is also former Director of the Department of Humanistic Studies. His main research focus is the history of Marxism, to which he has devoted numerous essays and volumes, including Il socialismo italiano e la teoria economica di Marx (1892-1902) (1980), Herausgabe und Verbreitung del Werke von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels in Italien (1988), Storia del marxismo italiano. Dalle origini alla grande guerra (1996), Marxismo e storia. Saggio sull”innovazione storiografica in Italia (2006), and Il marxismo e le sue storie (2016). His latest study, A proposito de «Il capitale»…, Il lungo presente e I miei studenti. Corso di storia contemporanea will be released in 2021.
1 Ebooks by Paolo Favilli
Paolo Favilli: Marxism and Historiography
Eminent Italian historian Giovanni Levi once notably remarked that “no one is a Marxist anymore, ” pointing to a paradox in Italian cultural history. While what is called ‘Marxism’ was supposedly heg …