Imaging in Endocrinology will provide endocrinologists and
radiologists of all levels with an outstanding diagnostic imaging
atlas to aid them in the diagnosis and management of all the
major endocrine diseases they are likely to encounter.
In full colour throughout, the 300 high-quality images
consist of CT scans, MRI, NMR and histopathology slides,
and are arranged by each specific endocrine condition, resulting in
a visually outstanding and easily accessible tool that g...
Table of Content
About the Companion Website xii
Preface xiii
Collaborators xiv
Chapter 1 Thyroid 1
Chapter 2 Pituitary Gland 22
Chapter 3 Adrenal Gland 47
Chapter 4 Pancreas ...
About the author
Paolo Pozzilli MD
Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes, University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy; Centre of
Diabetes, The Blizard Institute, St. Ba...