The aim of the second edition of this book is to provide a
comprehensive survey of the different algorithms and data
structures useful for triangulation and meshing construction. In
addition, several aspects are given full coverage, such as mesh
modification tools, mesh evaluation criteria, mesh optimization,
adaptive mesh construction and parallel meshing techniques.
This new edition has been comprehensively updated and also includes
a new chapter on mobile or deformable meshes.
Table of Content
Chapter 1. General definitions.
Chapter 2. Basic structures and algorithms.
Chapter 3. A comprehensive survey of mesh generation methods.
Chapter 4. Algebraic, PDE and multibloc methods.
Chapter 5. Quadtree-octree-based methods.
Chapter 6. Advancing front technique for mesh generation.
Chapter 7. Delaunay-based mesh generation methods.
Chapter 8. Other types of mesh generation methods.
Chapter 9. Delaunay admissibility, media axis, mid-surface and
other applications.
Chapter 10. Quadratic forms and metrics.
Chapter 11. Differential geometry.
Chapter 12. Curve modeling.
Chapter 13. Surface modeling.
Chapter 14. Surface meshing and re-meshing.
Chapter 15. Meshing implicit curves and surfaces.
Chapter 16. Mesh modifications.
Chapter 17. Mesh optimization.
Chapter 18. Surface mesh optimization.
Chapter 19. A touch of finite elements.
Chapter 20. Mesh adaptation and h-methods.
Chapter 21. Mesh adaptation and p or hp-methods.
Chapter 22. Mobile or deformable meshes.
Chapter 23. Parallel computing and meshing issues.
About the author
Pascal Jean Frey, UPMC Paris 6, France
Paul-Louis George, INRIA, France