‘A greatly needed book at a time when creativity, curiosity and problem solving are moving over to make room for high-pressure academics. Loaded with good ideas for activities. The author′s creativity shows!’
—Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Consultant and Early Childhood Specialist
Author, Dragon Mom and Diversity in Early Care and Education
‘Patricia Dischler′s hands-on experience and love of early learning radiate throughout Teaching the 3 C′s. As a defender of childhood, I am most impressed by the way she promotes play, exploration, and discovery in simple and engaging ways. Put down the video games, turn off the TV, and pick up this book.’
—Jeff A. Johnson, Owner
Explorations Early Learning LLC
Cultivate the 3 Cs in young learners to strengthen future academic achievement!
Research shows that children with positive social skills, a creative nature, and a love of learning are more likely to experience success in later school years. However, today′s emphasis on early exposure to academic content means little attention is given to developing the affective skills that can make a critical difference in a child′s future. Based on her extensive experience in early childhood education, Patricia A. Dischler bridges the gap and demonstrates how incorporating the three Cs—creativity, curiosity, and courtesy—into classroom instruction can support the development of academic skills.
This resource shows how to promote school readiness by giving children a desire to learn, teaching them how to learn, and nurturing empathy, emotional intelligence, and problem solving. The book provides:
- Abundant activities that are fun, easy to use, and developmentally appropriate
- Engaging sidebars highlighting teacher/student dialogue
- Methods for integrating the 3 Cs into the curriculum and meeting state standards
- Recommendations of related children′s books
- Activities indexed by state standards for easy curriculum planning
Practical, insightful, and brimming with wisdom, Teaching the 3 Cs illustrates how to foster young students′ lifelong enthusiasm for learning and give them the foundation to succeed!
Table of Content
About the Author
1. Teaching Creativity
Functional Freedom
Stimulus Freedom
Delayed Gratification
Balanced-Brain Thinking
2. Creativity Activities
Functional Freedom
Stimulus Freedom
Delayed Gratification
Balanced-Brain Thinking
3. Integrating Creative Learning
Language and Literacy
Social and Emotional
Cognitive Development
Health and Physical Development
The Arts
4. Teaching Curiosity
Explore the Possibilities
Explore the World
Ask Questions: The Five Ws and How
5. Curiosity Activities
Explore the Possibilities
Explore the World
Ask Questions
6. Integrating Curiosity Activities
Social and Emotional
Health and Physical Development
The Arts
7. Teaching Courtesy
8. Courtesy Activities
9. Integrating Courtesy Activities
Language and Literacy
Cognitive Development
Health and Physical Development
The Arts
Subject Index
Index of Activities by State Standards
About the author
Patricia Dischler is an author, speaker, and educator, sharing her 20 years of experience in the field of early childhood education and as owner of Patty Cake Preschool for 17 years, a nationally accredited family child care business. The author of several books, including From Babysitter to Business Owner, Because I Loved You, and The Patty Cake Kids & The Lost Imagination Cap, she speaks nationally at early childhood and adoption conferences and is a columnist for the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) National Perspective and Adoption Today Magazine. Dischler is a board member of the NAFCC, Wisconsin Family Child Care Association, and the Wisconsin Early Learning Coalition and was the recipient of the 2007 Wisconsin Governor’s Award for excellence in the field of child care.