Muhammad Ali Babar is a Senior Researcher with Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, where he leads projects on Software Architecture Development and Conformance Analysis (SADCA) and Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST) in software product lines. Previously, he was working as a researcher with National ICT Australia (NICTA), where he carried out research in software architecture design and evaluation, architectural knowledge management, and process improvement. Muhammad also presented tutorials in the area of software architecture knowledge management at various international conferences including ICSE 2009, ICSE 2007, SATURN 2007 and WICSA 2007. His current research interests include software product lines, architecture design and evaluation, architecture knowledge management, and tooling support.
Torgeir Dingsøyr is working in software process improvement and knowledge management projects as a senior scientist at SINTEF Information and Communication Technology. He has published more than 50 refereed papers in this field, including articles in IEEE Software, Communications of the ACM, Information and Software Technology and Empirical Software Engineering. His current research interests include software process improvement, agile software development, knowledge management in software engineering, and in particular management of architectural knowledge.
Patricia Lago is Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at the VU University in Amsterdam. Her research interests focus on software and service architectures, architectural knowledge management and software systems modeling. She co-authored over 80 publications in international journals, books and conferences and is co-organizer of the International Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK).
Hans van Vliet is Professor in Software Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, since 1986. Hisresearch interests include software architecture and empirical software engineering. Before joining the Vrije Universiteit, he worked as a researcher at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Amsterdam). He spent a year as a visiting researcher at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. He co-authored over 100 refereed articles, and is, together with Paul Clements, the editor of the Software Architecture Session of the Journal of Systems and Software. Hans is also a member of IFIP Working Group 2.10 on software architecture.
4 Ebooks by Patricia Lago
Muhammad Ali Babar & Torgeir Dingsøyr: Software Architecture Knowledge Management
A software architecture manifests the major early design decisions, which determine the system’s development, deployment and evolution. Thus, making better architectural decisions is one of the large …
Paris Avgeriou & John Grundy: Relating Software Requirements and Architectures
Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they expl …
Antonio Bucchiarone & Nicola Dragoni: Microservices
This book describes in contributions by scientists and practitioners the development of scientific concepts, technologies, engineering techniques and tools for a service-based society. The focus is o …
Antonia Bertolino & Joao Pascoal Faria: Quality of Information and Communications Technology
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2024, held in Pisa, Italy, during September 11-13, 2024. …