This book presents a new approach to the field of cultural studies in the form of a series of interviews with some of the world’s leading and emergent cultural theorists, including Simon Critchley, Jeremy Gilbert and Slavoj Zizek.
Framed by lively and informative introductions, which introduce the work of these thinkers, and which also introduce the reader to the crucial importance of the issues that the interviews address.
The book is an entertaining introduction to the key ideas in the field, the strengths and problematic weaknesses of cultural studies as a discipline, allowing the reader to chart its development, and to identify emerging trends.
Table of Content
Introduction: Interrogating Cultural Studies
Section One: From Cultural Studies
1. Catherine Belsey: From Cultural Studies to Cultural Criticism?
2. Mieke Bal: From Cultural Studies to Cultural Analysis: ‘a controlled reflection on the formation of method’
3. Martin Mc Quillan: The Projection of Cultural Studies
Section Two: Cultural Studies (&) Philosophy
4. Simon Critchley: Why I Love Cultural Studies
5. Chris Norris: Two Cheers for Cultural Studies: A Philosopher’s View
Section Three: For Cultural Studies
6. Adrian Rifkin: Inventing Recollection
7. Griselda Pollock: Becoming Cultural Studies: the Daydream of the Political
Section Four: What Cultural Studies
8. Jeremy Gilbert: Friends and Enemies: Which Side is Cultural Studies On?
9. Julian Wolfreys: …as if such a thing existed…
Section Five: Positioning Cultural Studies
10. John Mowitt: Cultural Studies, in Theory
11. Jeremy Valentine: The Subject Position of Cultural Studies: Is There A Problem?
12. Steven Connor: What Can Cultural Studies Do?
Section Six: Against Cultural Studies
13. Thomas Docherty: responses
14. Lynette Hunter: unruly fugues
About the author
Paul Bowman is professor of cultural studies at Cardiff University. He is the author of Interrogating Cultural Studies (Pluto Press, 2003).