The availability of food is an especially significant issue in zones of conflict because conflict nearly always impinges on the production and the distribution of food, and causes increased competition for food, land and resources Controlling the production of and access to food can also be used as a weapon by protagonists in conflict. The logistics of supply of food to military personnel operating in conflict zones is another important issue. These themes unite this collection, the chapters of which span different geographic areas. This volume will appeal to scholars in a number of different disciplines, including anthropology, nutrition, political science, development studies and international relations, as well as practitioners working in the private and public sectors, who are currently concerned with food-related issues in the field.
Table of Content
List of Figures
List of Tables
Hugo Slim
List of Contributors
Paul Collinson and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 1. ‘Try to imagine, we didn’t even have salt to cook with.’: Food and War in Sierra Leone
Susan Shepler
Chapter 2. Landmines, Cluster Bombs and Food Insecurity in Africa
Bukola Adeyemi Oyeniyi and Akinyinka Akinyoade
Chapter 3. Special Nutritional Needs in Refugee Camps: A Cross-disciplinary Approach
Jeya Henry and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 4. Patterns of Household Food Consumption in Conflict Affected Households in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
Rebecca Kent
Chapter 5. Engaging Religion in the Quest for Sustainable Food Security in Zones of Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lucy Kimaro
Chapter 6. Livestock Production in Zones of Conflict in the Northern Border of Mexico
Daria Deraga
Chapter 7. The Logic of War and Wartime Meals
Nives Rittig Beljak and Bruno Beljak
Chapter 8. Nutrition, Food Rationing and Home Production in U.K. in the Second World War
Helen Lightowler and Helen Macbeth
Chapter 9. Beyond the Ration: Alternatives to the Ration for British Soldiers on the Western Front 1914-1918
Rachel Duffett
Chapter 10. Sustaining and Comforting the Troops in the Pacific War
Katarzyna J. Cwiertka
Chapter 11. Enemy Cuisine: Claiming Agency, Seeking Humanity and Renegotiating Identity through Consumption
K. Felicia Campbell
Chapter 12. The Memory of Food Problems at the end of the First World War in Subsequent Propaganda Posters in Germany
Tania Rusca
Chapter 13. Echoes of Catastrophe: Famine, Conflict and Reconciliation in the Irish Borderlands
Paul Collinson
Chapter 14. ‘Land to the Tiller’: Hunger and the End of Monarchy in Ethiopia
Benjamin Talton
Chapter 15. Prospects for Conflict to Spread through Bilateral Land Arrangements for Food Security
Michael J. Strauss
Chapter 16. Food, Conflict and Human Rights: Accounting for Structural Violence
Ellen Messer
About the author
Helen Macbeth is a former President of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition and is an Honorary Research Fellow in Anthropology, Oxford Brookes University. Her main academic interest is in fostering cooperation between biological and social scientists. She has previously edited or co-edited seven volumes, four of which are in this series.