Paolo Diego Bubbio is Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Sydney and the holder of a Future Fellowship at the University of Western Sydney. He is the author of two monographs in Italian, and the co-editor of The Relationship of Philosophy to Religion Today (2011).Paul Redding is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He is the author of Hegel”s Hermeneutics (1996), The Logic of Affect (1999), Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought (2007), and Continental Idealism: Leibniz to Nietzsche (2009).
6 Ebooks by Paul Redding
Paul Redding: Continental Idealism
Standard accounts of nineteenth-century German philosophy often begin with Kant and assess philosophers after him in light of their responses to Kantian idealism. In Continental Idealism, Paul Reddin …
Paul (University of Sydney, Australia) Redding: Continental Idealism
Standard accounts of nineteenth-century German philosophy often begin with Kant and assess philosophers after him in light of their responses to Kantian idealism. In Continental Idealism, Paul Reddin …
Paul (University of Sydney, Australia) Redding: Continental Idealism
Standard accounts of nineteenth-century German philosophy often begin with Kant and assess philosophers after him in light of their responses to Kantian idealism. In Continental Idealism, Paul Reddin …
Paolo Diego Bubbio & Paul Redding: Religion After Kant
After a period of neglect, the idealist and romantic philosophies that emerged in the wake of Kant’s revolutionary writings have once more become important foci of philosophical interest, especially …
Paul Redding: Conceptual Harmonies
A new reading of Hegel’s Science of Logic through the history of European mathematics.Conceptual Harmonies develops an original account of G. W. F. Hegel s perplexing Science of Logic from a simple i …