Time – as they say – is money. It is not an uncommon fact that lawyers today spend unnecessary amounts of time seeking out information, and therefore unnecessary amounts of money. In well-established fields, change is often slow; perhaps none more so than in the legal world. Though progress is being made, uptake has been rather slow, much to the dismay of those in the information management business. Conversely to its cousin, case management, matter management should be thought of more in terms of low-volume but high-value information. The process thus lends itself nicely to forming centralized systems within organizations. It is so pervasive as to allow users to make decisions (e.g. conflict resolution) before matters are even opened, and can maintain a high level of time data accuracy and transparency via unalterable fundamental data. From innovative and simple interfaces to enhanced reporting tools, from notification systems to customizable workflows, triumphs within matter management have enabled companies to become more efficient by saving time and money, and to engage stakeholders in a meaningful way. Redefining Matter Management: A Best Practice Guide to Improving Processes and Profitability is a collection of case studies that highlights some of the most important achievements and ideas in the field today.
Table of Content
1.How law departments can use legal project management to enhance performance and add value 2.A simple legal project management framework 3.Opportunistic approaches to employing Lean Six Sigma 4.Re-thinking workflows: re-engineering case management processes 5.Data-driven knowledge management – matter lifecycle management 6.Taking knowledge management to a strategic level 7.Componentized budgets for cost-benefit analysis 8.Creating a realistic matter budget 9.Managing client intake to increase profitability 10.X-raying matters – how to improve matter risk management
About the author
Peter Bennett Peter Bennett has been chief operating offi cer (COO) of Bates Wells Braithwaite since 2006. During that time BWB has expanded from GBP8 million to GBP25 million with a 225 headcount, converted to an LLP and then to an ABS, and has then become the only law fi rm in the UK to gain the world accreditation for being a socially responsible profi t-making business (B Corps). He is the compliance offi cer for fi nance and administration (COFA), risk manager, data protection offi cer, leads the risk and compliance service, as well as having director level reports in accounting, Human Resources (HR), fi nance and Information Technology (IT). Barbara J Boake Barbara J Boake is a senior partner at Mc Carthy Tetrault LLP, practising in the areas of bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring. With over 20 years of practice experience and having served on her firm’s board of partners and its executive team, Barbara was named one of the `Top 100 Most Powerful Women’ in Canada by the Women’s Executive Network. While a member of her firm’s executive team she was responsible for leading the development and implementation of the firm’s `Dialogue Project Management (TM)’ programme. Barbara speaks regularly on all aspects of project management for the legal profession. Barbara can be contacted via email at Mc Carthy Tetrault LLP. Toby Brown Director of Strategic Pricing and Analytics, Akin Gump Wendy Chang A partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson, represents lawyers in all types of complex matters that involve the practice of the law, including risk management counseling, ethics, crises management, fee related issues, discipline defense, hotline counseling, professional liability, and litigation defense. Ms. Chang is a certifi ed specialist in Legal Malpractice Law by the State Bar of California’s Board of Legal Specialization. Ms. Chang is a member of the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and is an advisor to the State Bar of California’s Commission for the Revision of the Rules of Professional Conduct. She is a past chair of the State Bar of California’s Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct. Anthony Davis Best described as a lawyer’s lawyer. Mr. Davis is a member of the Lawyers for the Profession (R) practice group and his practice focuses on the laws that govern lawyers. He advises attorneys and law fi rms on legal professional and ethics issues, law fi rm creation, merger and dissolution, risk management, and loss control. Mr. Davis is a lecturer-in-law at the Columbia University School of Law, teaching ‘Professional Responsibility Issues in Business Practice.’ As an adjunct professor of law, Mr. Davis taught ‘Legal Profession’ at Brooklyn Law School for many years. Mr. Davis has served as a member of the New York City Bar Professional Ethics Committee and is a former chair of the Professional Development Committee. Sally Dyson Director of Firm Sense Limited, a specialist consultancy providing client relationship evaluation and advice for law firms Chad Ergun Director, global practice services and business intelligence, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Rick A Kathuria National director, project management office and legal logistics, at Gowlings Aileen Leventon Aileen Leventon is a business counselor to the legal industry and a practicing lawyer with over 30 years of experience. She consults with law departments, law firms and individual lawyers on strategies to manage and sustain sound financial performance and continuously improve the efficiency of legal work. In addition to advising, coaching, and training, Aileen has facilitated numerous after-action reviews of closed matters to promote buy-in of legal project management techniques. She has also been embedded in ongoing matters to provide analysis and coaching to bring distressed matters back on course. Catherine Alman Mac Donagh, JD Catherine Alman Mac Donagh, JD is a Legal Lean Sigma Black Belt and a certified Six Sigma Green Belt. Scott Rechtschaffen Chief knowledge officer, Littler Mendelson Peter Lane Secor Peter Lane Secor is the director of strategic pricing and project management with Pepper Hamilton LLP. Mr. Secor concentrates on legal project management with a focus on improving effi ciencies through shared management responsibilities, strengthening communication and making value transparent. His expertise includes client/matter profi t analysis and providing partners with performance evaluations from a fi nancial perspective.