Based on a major systematic review from international centres this concise text discusses the benefits of managing stroke patients in specialised units compared to management outside the hospital. It provides invaluable information in the most effective management for this chronically disabled sector
Table of Content
Foreword by Iain Chalmers.
1. The Stroke Unit Story.
2. How Should We Evaluate Our Interventions?.
3. Assembling Evidence About Stoke Units.
4. Effectiveness of Organised (Stroke Unit) Care.
5. Economics of Stroke Unit Care.
6. Implications for Planning Stroke Services.
7. Implications for Future Research.
Appendix: Descriptions of Stroke Unit Care.
Glossary of Terms.
About the author
Peter Langhorne and Martin Dennis have written most chapters and take editorial responsibility for the content and opinions expressed in this book. Additional contributions (Chapter 5 and Appendix) have been made by invited authors. However, many other individuals have contributed to the project and the main body of data, descriptive information, and useful advice and comment have been provided by members of a collaborative review group (the Stroke Unit Trialists’ Collaboration – see list below). Therefore individual chapters of the book should be cited as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 – Langhorne and Dennis on behalf of the Stroke Unit Trialists’ Collaboration; 5 – Major and Walker; Appendix – Perth unit: Hankey and colleagues, Trondheim unit; Indredavik and colleagues, Orpington unit: Kalra, Nottingham unit: Berman and colleagues.