Want to make a big bet on an economic recovery in the U.S.?Start thinking small!
The growing popularity of penny stocks can be attributed to acombination of increased understanding and tough economictimes.??Penny Stocks For Dummies explains the basics ofpenny stocks and provides expert guidance to help you get involvedright away.
Penny Stocks For Dummies provides you with theinformation and advice you need before considering an investment inpenny stocks, as well as the tools needed to make soundinvestments. You’ll also get expert guidance on identifying growthtrends and market sectors positioned for rapid growth, findingundiscovered penny stocks, and understanding the fundamentals of apotential investment in penny stocks.
* Arms you with the know-how to properly identify, and purchase, winning penny stocks
* Shows you how good money can be made from these low-pricedshares
* Gets you involved in Penny Stocks quickly, painlessly, and on asmall budget
Penny Stocks For Dummies appeals to anyone who doesn’thave a lot to invest right now in the current economic climate, butwho wants to multiply what they do have.
Table of Content
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Penny Stocks 7
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Penny Stocks 9
Chapter 2: Deciding If Penny Stocks Are Right for You 21
Chapter 3: Buying and Selling Penny Stocks 33
Chapter 4: Avoiding Promotions, Scams, and Bribes 55
Part II: Research and Investment Strategies 73
Chapter 5: Developing a Strategy 75
Chapter 6: Doing Your Research 93
Chapter 7: Picking a Winner 125
Part III: Trading Penny Stocks 137
Chapter 8: Trading Strategies 139
Chapter 9: Fundamental Analysis 151
Chapter 10: Financial Ratios: Comparing Apples to Apples 179
Chapter 11: The Abstract Review in Penny Stocks 203
Chapter 12: Technical Analysis with Penny Stocks 219
Part IV: The Part of Tens 247
Chapter 13: Ten Rapid Result Tactics 249
Chapter 14: Ten Trading Truths 261
Chapter 15: Ten Key Considerations for Companies 269
Index 279