Eye of the Beholder is a collection of short stories, in which nothing is quite what it seems and the outcomes never quite what expected.
About the author
Peter Miles b. 22 September 1928, in Ovingdean, Sussex, England and migrated with his family to Southern Africa in 1946, where he graduated in Chemistry and Entomology at Rhodes University in 1949. After working as an agricultural scientist in Zambia (then Southern Rhodesia), he returned to England to study at The University of Cambridge for a Ph.D. in Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. He emigrated to Australia and became an Australian citizen in 1957. While lecturing in Entomology at the University of Adelaide, he spent research time in USA, The Netherlands, and Switzerland, and was seconded to The University of Zambia as Professor of Zoology from 1970 to 1974.
He has written 98 scientific articles and research publications, including contributions entitled Entomology to the (Encyclopaedia) Britannica Book of the Year (1968 to 1987 inclusive). He retired from the University of Adelaide in 1993 and has since turned to writing works of fiction, including the Sci-fi novel Nandroth.
He married Sidsel Kierfulf Bendixen (13/05/1937 – 12/11/2012), a Norwegian whom he met while studying at Cambridge, in 1957 after she joined him in Australia. There she was known as Cecile Miles and became recognised as an International Bridge player. They had two daughters, Felice and Yasmine, who are also much travelled but live in Australia.