No man is inscrutable, if you know his thoughts, said Cuthbert Manns father, as he sent him to Mr Liang to learn the Chinese language and culture. Cuthbert was born in Hong Kong, educated in England and he returned to China many years later, in the 1890s, as a Cultural Attach to the British Embassy in Peking. Amidst political turmoil and personal danger, Cuthbert sets out on his quest to find the heart of China. In the last few months before his return to England, he works with Major Thomas Garland-Llewellyn on intelligence gathering in Hong Kong and the two become firm friends. But it is only on the voyage home, on the P&O Steamship Rafella, that Cuthbert comes to understand the true meaning of his quest.
About the author
Peter Hall is a Emeritus Professor of the University of Birmingham. He worked for most of his life in Academia and won several international prizes for his research in engineering. His fascination with China and Hong Kong developed through many invitations to lecture there and through the many Chinese undergraduate and doctoral students that he taught. He lives in Birmingham, is married to Janet and has three children. He enjoys walking the Welsh hills and mountains. Although he has published many technical books and articles, this is his first excursion into novel writing.